proof payment as publisher WaitAds

Payment 15 days net, get money with best cpm rate. Auto-approval, Payment Method payoneer, paxum, paypal. You can grow your website online, choose your best rate.

How to configure conversion tracking in WaitAds

WaitAds advertising Network supports server-to-server (s2s) conversion tracking as well as client-side (cookie based) tracking. That should be enough for you to track installs, registrations and other types of actions.

How expert for tech support on Waitads.

What is Tech Support Campaign? The first you need to know about Tech support, is the business where online services such as repair services, online installation of software and many other support help is rendered and when this process is being transpired for target audience, it is known as tech support campaign.

WaitAds el traffico que sirve para CPA, CPI, CPM Network

Estabas buscando donde promocionar tus banners ads de afiliado como mobidea sin tener que descargar nada?

Paga : Como ganar dinero con Waitads Advertising Network CPM en linea ?

Es una pagina que se llama Waitads, es una nueva red publicitaria pero si paga. Su estadistica, tiempo estimado 5 minutos. No se encuentra muchas informaciones en linea debido es nueva.

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2022

make money daily with Mulbuiv

 Do you want to know how to make money with MulBuiv?

MulBuiv is an investment page where you can make lot money by investment daily, weekly and monthly, is a great page with high potential tool to make money daily.

What do you need to make money here? Only by investment program more than 10% daily and with 24hrs investment.

What u need to do?

after login 

1 in Dashbard Click Trade Shop

2. After select your option Trade 

  • ( Starter for 24hrs
  • Basic plan 1Week
  • Plan 3 2Weeks
  • Business plan 30 Days
  • Gloden plan 90 days)

3. Select price you need on your plan

4. add Cart ( will allow you redirect to Checkout)

5. Place Order

6. Pay with bitcoin

7. Open App QR code or pay manually Send from wallet to adress bitcoin.

For Manually

8. Send 

9 return to Dashboard

create an account after join now u can pay the money you want to invest, it's a secure page with investment option and more.

Translate = traduce

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